Keeping a Careful Watch
Increased Risk for Breast Cancer
Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center’s High Risk Breast Screening and Prevention Clinic offers a comprehensive breast cancer screening and evaluation, including a genetic risk evaluation and counseling if needed, to those with an increased risk of breast cancer due to familial or other risk factors.
Multidisciplinary Approach
Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center’s High Risk Breast Screening and Prevention Clinic provides each patient with a multidisciplinary team that is led by certified Advanced Practice Providers who are experts in breast health, screening and breast cancer.
The Advanced Practice Provider works in collaboration with:
- Breast surgeons
- Breast Radiologists
- Genetic Counselors
- Nurse Navigators
- Nutritionists
- Breast Medical Oncologist
Breast Cancer Risk Assessment
The High Risk Breast Screening and Prevention Clinic provides a comprehensive breast cancer risk assessment to determine your estimated risk of developing breast cancer and if you qualify for high risk breast screening.
There are several risk factors that have been associated with an increased risk of developing a breast cancer. This clinic may be right for you if you:
- Tested positive for or have a family history of BRCA1, BRCA2, or other genetic mutations that increase breast cancer risk
- Tested negative for genetic mutations, but have a strong family history of breast cancer
- Have been told your breasts appear dense on mammograms
- Had a benign or precancerous breast biopsy
- Have a personal or family history of ovarian cancer or other cancers (including follicular thyroid, endometrial, sarcoma, brain and leukemia/lymphoma)
- Have a family history of breast cancer in your mother, father, sibling, or at least two other close blood relatives
- Had prolonged estrogen exposure due to starting periods before age 12, or taking hormonal therapy after menopause
- Gave birth to your first child after age 30 or have never been pregnant
- Have been diagnosed with breast cancer at or before age 50
- Are of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry

Prevention and Early Detection is Key
It is estimated that one in eight women in the United States will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. Therefore routine breast cancer screening is important for all women, but even more so for those at higher than average risk. If you’re at higher risk of breast cancer, you may need to be screened earlier and more often than other women.
The goal of early breast cancer detection through screening is to identify breast abnormalities as early as possible. This approach has been shown to save lives. The survival rate in breast cancer diagnosed at an early stage has been documented 93 percent or higher survival rate in the first five years. This is compared to 27% for those diagnosed with an advanced stage breast cancer.

What to Expect
Your Initial Appointment
Prior first visit with the High Risk Breast Screening and Prevention Clinic’s Advanced Practice Provider you will complete a detailed questionnaire about your personal and family health history.
Your first visit will be approximately one hour and include a comprehensive risk evaluation, a detailed clinical breast exam, and counseling. They will work closely with you to determine your true risk percentage and design an individualized imaging surveillance plan that includes prevention and risk reduction strategies available to you. Recommendations may include:
- Surveillance screenings using our advanced breast health imaging technologies, including 3D capable mammography, ultrasound, and MRI
- Preventive medication
- Lifestyle modification
- Genetic testing
- Risk-reducing surgery and reconstruction
- Follow-up screening at the High Risk Breast Clinic
We're Here For You
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Resources
When You Should Screen
Learn more about breast cancer screening recommendations for individuals at a higher risk.
Breast Cancer Risk & Prevention
Learn more about what you can do to lower your risk and help prevent breast cancer.