Smiling female physician in lab coat and healthcare professional in gray scrubs smile in courtyard.

Resources for

Health Care Professionals

A headshot of a smiling Dr. Putnam in a suit, standing in front of the Baptist MD Anderson courtyard.

A message from

Our Medical Director

Cancer significantly impacts our lives. Its implications are often complex and life-changing. That is why, at Baptist MD Anderson Cancer Center, our mission to make cancer history drives everything we do, including how we care for our patients.

By replicating the approach to care pioneered by MD Anderson, we provide adult patients with access to the same leading-edge treatment options as one of the world’s most respected cancer centers. Together, we’re providing patient-centered care to patients in North Florida and the Southeast region.

Our Partnership with MD Anderson

Physician Resources

Helping You Help Your Patients

Stay Connected

Our Physicians' Portal and Physician Liaisons will keep you in-the-know about all things Baptist MD Anderson including various resources, announcements and opportunities.

Stay Connected: Learn More

Continue Your Education

As a continuing medical education (CME) provider, we offer a wide range of clinical resources, educational opportunities and tools.

Continue Your Education: Learn More

Clinical Tools

MD Anderson faculty members have created several clinical tools and resources to assist physicians.

Clinical Tools: Learn More

Join Our Team

Careers at Baptist MD Anderson

Are you looking to join our team? We have opportunities for clinical and non-clinical professionals. Apply online for our various open positions.